Daily Libra Horoscope April 26 (26/04)


Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

April 26


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 10/10

Dont be too hard on yourself if you believe your vision of your personal future is entrenched too deeply in fantasy. There can be numerous benefits now to allowing your ambitions to fueled by what you might regard initially as pipe dreams. Good things dont always happen to other people and deciding youre owed a chance to pursue what might feel out of reach is the first step to discovering how within reach at least one aspiration really is!


summary libra tomorrow

Star 8/10

A certain person might believe theyre better placed than you to call the shots or dictate how things are going to be. Where you might have normally shrugged your shoulders and allowed them to believe their own self-importance, you could feel inclined to speak up and ask who made them king or queen. If they wont see the value in you assisting them, then you might need to go it alone and gain favor from others who can see your way is best.


summary libra weekly

Star 9/10

As much as very little in life is guaranteed, one thing always remains certain: aim at nothing and were guaranteed to hit it! Your reluctance to pursue a plan might have something to do with you being unsure about what you really want. Part of you is inclined to better a Devil you know rather than take a calculated risk. If you suspect that time for thinking, assessing or analyzing a certain situation is drawing to a close, then take that your cur to take action where its long overdue.


summary libra monthly

Star 7/10

Youll never know unless you try. Weve had such words said to us by others and have undoubtedly said them to those we felt could do with encouragement. Another way of conveying the same point is to say, what have you got to lose? But, when we start to focus on perceived losses, we then create more reasons we believe to be valid to refrain from taking a brave step. This month, a delightful surprise awaits in terms of what youre capable of achieving in some way. To discover it, you need only take the brave step youve delayed taking for too long.


health libra daily

Star 10/10

The aspect at play reminds us that there are always two ways to do something (if not more!). You can either go to the gym or not. You can eat healthy food, or not. Then there are decisions we make unconsciously: how do you sit in your chair at work? Do you use good posture, with a strong back and the abdominal muscles slightly flexed? Or do you slouch and let your shoulders cave in? Pay attention while you still have a choice!


health libra tomorrow

Star 8/10

You enjoy the praise of many, but you are quite often almost allergic to criticism (probably because you receive so little of it!). People are impressed by your high energy level and your ability to get things done. Try opening yourself up to areas you need to learn about. How are you in the healthy diet department? Are you focused more on maintaining weight levels than what\s really going on under the surface? This is known as \"cheating\" on your health, and there are consequences!


health libra weekly

Star 7/10

An emphasis on your health zone may coincide with a renewed interest in improving your fitness routine. It might be a good idea to go on a short detox diet. Juices, fresh fruits, and vegetables for a few days will give your body a pick-me-up and help you feel better than ever. You may lose a couple of pounds, too.


health libra monthly

Star 8/10

Handling any stress associated with a key relationship at work or home can be very important in helping you stay on top of things. If you feel in control, you\ll be less likely to get stressed. You could find that life gets much easier overall. This philosophy could have a bearing on other areas of life. Tackling things immediately can keep you from feeling overwhelmed and drained of energy. Neptune continues in your wellness sector, so try to focus on connecting with your body daily and remaining grounded. It could prove extremely important for you.


love libra daily

Star 8/10

You may find that your love life feels a little like walking through sticky toffee. The position of the heavenly bodies means that you are not sure what to make of the signals you are receiving from your sweetheart. They could be interpreted either way, which is making you very insecure. Perhaps it would be better if you stopped trying, and for the time being concentrate on having fun.


love libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

Love is not smooth like milk chocolate; it is full of angles and electricity. Today\s position of the planets brings excitement into your relationship with your beloved. You will find that you want to do things differently, to enjoy the differences between you, to celebrate them even, and to marvel at how wonderful it is that amidst all these contrasts and conflicts, you love each other so much.


love libra weekly

Star 10/10

When you brush against a hottie in the first part of the week, it sets off a series of electric currents in your body that are hard to ignore. It might just be a fleeting moment, but it feels good all the same. You\re eager to move past an issue with an ex, but they\re around later in the week to make sure you don\t forget. How can you finally get closure? It has to be a mutual decision.


love libra monthly

Star 10/10

Your past isn\t written in stone as Saturn turns retrograde on April 6. There are still some obvious relationship-related ghosts that need to be exorcised, but you don\t have to vanquish them all at once. There\s a Full Moon in your sign on April 10, paving the way for natural endings. If you\ve been holding on to feelings for an ex, this might be the time you finally shake them. Powerful Mars lands in casual Gemini on April 21, and the clash in energy levels is obvious. You want to play mind games, but getting what you want through manipulation isn\t very satisfying.


career libra daily

Star 7/10

You can\t just rely on your mental capacities and expect to be successful. You must trust other abilities of yours - including your sixth sense, your intuition. This aspect of your personality will be especially strong today, so be sure to use it.


career libra tomorrow

Star 7/10

Today may be the day that you need to call a \"time out\" at your workplace. Energy levels are running high and you will find yourself in the thick of the intense combat. Try to be the levelheaded one who helps to bring others down to reality.


career libra weekly

Star 10/10

You have wonderful taste. You can create something lovely and original now. Share your ideas. It\s time to review plans, recycle, or reuse things in the workplace. Travel or networking in your community can expand your horizons. Be cautious about accidents if you\re feeling angry. An exciting and original approach might bring you to the attention of others. You have a talent for managing events.


career libra monthly

Star 10/10

The April 10 Full Moon may force you to make a painful decision. You might have to dismiss or report someone for unethical behavior. Although you hate delivering bad news, it\s better to take action than remain silent. Be prepared to defend your assertions. You\ll get your point across by projecting an air of cool, detached efficiency. As the month draws to a close, you will be given additional resources for an important project. The New Moon on April 26 allows you to invest in quality materials and excellent talent. Don\t skimp on expenses. This is a rare opportunity to produce exceptional results.



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