Daily Capricorn Horoscope February 21 (21/02)


Dec 22 − Jan 19

Alias: Alias: The Goat

February 21


daily capricorn horoscope:

summary capricorn daily

Star 10/10

Where you might have enjoyed the best of both worlds in some way or managed to get what you want or need from a certain arrangement without committing fully to it, some decision-making could be imminent. An arrangement might suit you but it appears a certain person has other ideas. Either you commit yourself 100% to whatever-it-is or walk away. Theres no middle ground.


summary capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

This could be a time when you need to make more of a conscious effort to show restraint where you might not struggle normally. There are some very clear pros and cons to action or a decision youre considering taking or making and one careless or selfish act or gesture on your part could bind you to a commitment that could prove very difficult to free yourself from in the future.


summary capricorn weekly

Star 7/10

Pluto connects with both Mercury and Mars this week. The first surrounds a need on your part to cease looking into the future at how a situation or arrangement might pan out. Theres much to be enjoyed and appreciated in the present if you can manage to focus on how close to perfect one arrangement or involvement really is. The second involves not succumbing to a false sense of urgency. A fear could prove to be unfounded and undeserving of effort its demanding.


summary capricorn monthly

Star 10/10

Mars and Venus put emphasis squarely on matters related to home, family or both. Mars might be problematic at times but Venus will ensure harmony and comfort are on offer. The Lunar Eclipse on the 10th brings positive news related to finances, either in the form of commission or possibly a loan. If youve been waiting to launch a writing project or give a presentation, then the Solar Eclipse on the 26th will bring a touch of magic to any way you choose to convey yourself!


health capricorn daily

Star 7/10

The planetary energy gives you the concrete desire to turn your most inspired thoughts into reality. If you see yourself as a long-distance runner but have never jogged a mile, run on down to the nearest sports equipment store and just look at the shoes - maybe have a conversation with the person in charge of that section of the store. Begin to help yourself feel comfortable in the areas you would like to grow into. Baby steps all the way, kid! Impress only yourself.


health capricorn tomorrow

Star 10/10

Walking can be a great exercise for you now because it gives you time to slow down and concentrate on yourself. You may need to think certain issues over and clear up excess mental clutter, not to mention free-floating anxieties. Walking (or long runs if you are an accomplished runner already) is a spiritual as well as a physical exercise, and is highly recommended right now.


health capricorn weekly

Star 8/10

The cosmos could be making you jumpy. You\ll feel irritable and tired if you keep pushing yourself to do more than you have to. A dormant cold could suddenly worsen and cause you to lose time from work. Pace yourself, and talk through difficult issues. Avoid too many snacks if your stomach is sensitive.


health capricorn monthly

Star 10/10

Your health sector isn\t in focus this month, which can mean that things are happily ticking over much as usual. However, the potent and stirring energy of Mars in your home and family sector could encourage a small revolution in your domestic environment. This might mean renovating your kitchen so you can prepare more healthful meals that suit you better. More counter space, new gadgets, and other items can all make the culinary experience far more enjoyable. On another note, a progressive aspect could encourage you to try some complementary healing methods to combat any minor ailments.


love capricorn daily

Star 8/10

Sometimes you shy away from too much passion, as it isn\t always something that you can present in a pretty package. The current celestial atmosphere means that today you may not have too much choice as you succumb to some pretty intense emotions. But it won\t hurt you just this once to let your true self shine through, flaws and all; you may even find you like it!!


love capricorn tomorrow

Star 10/10

Today\s planetary alignment means that you have many chances today to really shine, especially in terms of a wonderful new romantic relationship. You can really go to town on your image and your clothes, safe in the knowledge that your date will thoroughly appreciate the way you look. To make it more complete, you just need to muster a little verve and sparkle, and be a touch more assertive.


love capricorn weekly

Star 7/10

Your only romantic problem at the start of the week is which person to say yes to. You have plenty of offers, but it isn\t fair to leave anyone hanging. You\ve gone through periods where the opposite has been true, so try not to let all of this attention go to your head. A date you were looking forward to could fall through over the weekend, but try not to be too disappointed. Reschedule as soon as possible.


love capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

Communication becomes less rigid as Mercury leaves your sign for unique Aquarius on February 7, and you could be saying unusual things to get your secret crush\s attention. It may or may not work, but being unique is more important than getting a yes right now. Yours isn\t the most romantic sign, but you get some positive energy from charming Libra just in time for Valentine\s Day on February 14. Presentation is important. A Pisces New Moon coincides with a Solar Eclipse on February 26 and blocks your usually clear vision. When the line between friendship and romance blurs, the outcome can be very interesting.


career capricorn daily

Star 9/10

It is important for you to be extra flexible. This is the only way you will be productive in the workplace. A stubborn attitude will turn other people away and you will lose vital help and resources that you need to be successful with your work.


career capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

Rely on your intuition instead of waiting for your rational mind to decide. Your head may have been swarming with conflicting ideas yesterday, but the answer should be clear today. Just tune into your gut feeling and make your decision.


career capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

Expect some stress or stubborn resistance to your plans now. Everything may just take longer than expected. An easygoing attitude will help you get what you want. Work could demand extra hours or a detailed review of events. Your powerful emotions may be difficult to hide. This is an excellent time to upgrade your technology. These are good days for research and development, as well as using teamwork to solve problems in innovative ways.


career capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

A royalty payment, profit-sharing agreement, or benefit package could be discontinued, thanks to a strong Lunar Eclipse on February 10. This will leave you free to pursue an impressive professional opportunity that has tempted you since last year. Now that you no longer have this cushion to keep you comfortable, push yourself to try something new. On February 26, you could get an exciting phone call, e-mail, or text about a job. If you\re called for an interview, schedule it within the next few days and you\ll make a fabulous impression. If you get a job offer, you\ll be able to negotiate more favorable terms.



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