Daily Taurus Horoscope January 22 (22/01)


Apr 20 − May 20

Alias: Alias: The Bull

January 22


daily taurus horoscope:

summary taurus daily

Star 10/10

We can be the biggest negative influence where our confidence is concerned, sometimes. We dont want to appear too confident, in our and others eyes. If we believe were being a bit too certain, then we start to convince ourselves our faith in ourselves is misplaced and disappointment is inevitable. Others can be quick to share such sentiments, too. Youre being encouraged to bask in a glow of exceptional confidence now. Dont be afraid of it. Use it!


summary taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

When we struggle to understand someone elses mixed messages or signals, its usually because were seeing ways in which theyre being inconsistent. One minute, we believe we have accurate measure of their attitude, and then find ourselves scratching our heads wondering why theyre behaving differently the next. You might believe youre being consistent in terms of what youre conveying to someone else. They appear to have other ideas. A chance exists to put this right.


summary taurus weekly

Star 8/10

Just as you thought a particular area of your world was ticking along with comfortable levels of predictability, a Venus/Uranus link sticks a proverbial spanner in the works. Trust that this is nothing to be concerned about and neither is it something likely to require drastic action on your part to resolve. It will, however, require you to decide where a certain line has been crossed by a certain person and make them aware of it. If you command respect now, then youll receive it.


summary taurus monthly

Star 10/10

Much of what youre likely to deal with will be intensely personal to you and you might choose to distance yourself from anyone or anything that distracts you from resolving a personal issue that got delayed at the end of this year. Keeping your distance might also prove helpful in terms of ensuring you dont get drawn into a sensitive scenario affecting someone else more than you. Youre not as obliged to involve yourself with their problem as youre led to believe you are.


health taurus daily

Star 8/10

You are impressionable and easily stimulated. With todays planetary energy, you are apt to succumb to sensual impulses that arent always in your best interests: staying up late eating ice cream is one way to conjure up what Im talking about! The cosmic climate adds to the dreamy lack of boundaries that is at once seductive and also trouble inducing. Enjoy yourself, but dont give up on your commitments - if you can still make it to the gym three times a week youre not a total goner!


health taurus tomorrow

Star 8/10

Having a walk on the wild side? If you are, its probably got something to do with the minor revolution happening in the skies. The planetary alignment makes you a willing participant! Watch as your pleasure principle meets your conscience. It can be a critical test to see if you know where your boundaries are, and if you can prevent them from being trespassed. Your healthy habits should be able to survive the unpredictable - take notice of how your diet and exercise are affected this week!


health taurus weekly

Star 9/10

The environment in which you live has a huge impact on your health. If your home is cluttered, you may notice an overall lack of energy and inspiration. The more space you have, the happier and more relaxed youll feel. It might be a good idea to solicit the services of a feng shui expert who can recommend ways to improve your overall well-being.


health taurus monthly

Star 9/10

Jupiters ongoing presence in your wellness zone continues to be a boon and a blessing. It can help bestow greater energy and general good health. If you have a condition, you might find that this beneficial planet brings positive options for new treatments or the issue eases somewhat. However, this month Venus, your health planet, edges into Pisces for all four weeks, and you could be out and about and perhaps socializing more. If youre eager to keep your weight steady, then be aware of what you eat when youre out with friends. It can help you avoid gaining weight.


love taurus daily

Star 9/10

The energy of the day is bringing out hidden emotions about a certain person. The problem is that if you try and make any decisions based on how you feel today, you may make a mistake. Your perceptions are off kilter, and you may be under-evaluating or overcompensating for all kinds of perceived character traits that may not be really there. It is best to wait!


love taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

The astral alignment is bringing out the best in your relationship, so make the most of it. This would be the perfect time to arrange an outing, or to create a romantic atmosphere and cook a wonderful meal to celebrate all the things you have come to love and admire about each other. You have shared some wonderful moments together; this is a chance to reminisce.


love taurus weekly

Star 10/10

Are you trying to ignore the fact that you might be falling for someone? Is there a reason youre trying to deny that you have feelings for him or her? Take a look at the reasons why youre feeling emotionally inhibited at the start of the week, because there might be a logical cause. Theres no reason to make any drastic decisions over the weekend. If theres one thing you have, its time.


love taurus monthly

Star 10/10

Jupiters influence on January 1 brings into focus the romantic possibilities ahead. Isnt it nice to have something to look forward to?! The Cancer Full Moon on January 12 brings your emotions to the surface. Blurting out your feelings to a secret crush could be a result. They may not be reciprocated, but if they are, its just one more thing to smile about. Mercury and Pluto meet on January 26, adding depth to your communication style. The puzzled look on your dates face will tell you if what youre saying is over his or her head. Adjust your vocabulary as needed.


career taurus daily

Star 10/10

Your ability to adapt to situations and people around you will be extremely valuable today. Most people will be in gridlock, but you are able to move freely among many people and many different ideas. Appreciate and utilize this wonderful gift.


career taurus tomorrow

Star 8/10

This is one of those days in which people may talk a great deal, but end up saying nothing. There is plenty of chatter, but not much substance. Do your best to filter through fluff in order to extract at least one useful idea out of the conversation.


career taurus weekly

Star 9/10

This period can create a lot of tension or erratic behavior on the part of co-workers. You have the ability to be slow and careful. Test what youve learned, polish your skills, and be clear about your goals. Making a list can be especially helpful. You might be afraid of the future. You may experience a sudden and not particularly welcome turn of events if you cling rigidly to old situations.


career taurus monthly

Star 8/10

A heated exchange could occur in the middle of January. Youre tired of having your directives taken lightly by an irreverent co-worker. Its time to have a serious talk about their attitude. If you need a supervisor to mediate, so be it. Youve always tried hard to be respectful of others and deserve the same consideration. The days around January 26 will be rewarding. Dont be surprised if youre offered a high-profile job or impressive promotion. The powers that be admire your ability to work independently. Acting as spokesperson for a new division or company will be rewarding. This change will be refreshing.



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