Daily Leo Horoscope February 01 (01/02)
July 23 − Aug 22
Alias: Alias: The Lion
February 01
daily leo horoscope:
daily leo horoscope:
Star 7/10
You could be focused on what doesnt make sense or add up but what are you basing your assessment or calculations on? Instead of focusing on peculiarities or the unusual aspects of a situation or arrangement, try to connect with what inspires, excites and even amuses you within it. Theres something heartwarmingly beautiful and magical in what you might be inclined to believe defies explanation or strays too far from the norm.
Read more...Star 7/10
Setting high targets for yourself or aspiring to achieve something that exceeds any ambitions attained previously can bring fantastic results but you might need to be a bit more realistic about timescales involved. Its also possible you and a certain person are spurring each other on to focus on over-the-top expectations and both of you could be brought to Earth with a bit of a bump if youre being motivated more by fantasy than whats realistic.
Read more...Star 8/10
An invisible clock might be ticking away and increasing pressure in an area of your world, possibly connected to finances. Relax and adopt a slower and more methodical approach. By giving in to pressure, you risk compromising your ability to make incisive and accurate judgments and this could cause you to prolong a process that neednt be dragged out. Push aside powerful passions and allow clarity making its way to you to dictate your next essential and timely move.
Read more...Star 8/10
An exciting fresh start youve been anticipating might take longer than youd hoped to show signs of progress, so allow until the 12th for momentum to get underway. The Full Moon could highlight in no uncertain terms a sensitive matter, possibly a romantic or relationship issue, that could see you tempted to brush it under the carpet to be dealt with at a later date. You will know it needs accepting and confronting. Rise above it confidently and resolve it, once and for all.
Read more...Star 10/10
The intense feelings that may have started yesterday will get a little more intense today. If youre enjoying this energy, then you probably have had some deep thoughts you will want to make a note of for future reference. If its been a struggle, take confidence in the fact that many people are also feeling the impact of this intense emotional energy. Give yourself some needed release with a trip to the gym or a short run after work.
Read more...Star 9/10
The current planetary configuration gives us a chance to pull out the physical and emotional needs of our inner child - the need to be nurtured, the need to be fed and well taken care of - into the structure of our waking hours. It helps us to implement what we want in our lives. Therefore, this is an auspicious time for making known to yourself what will help you feel more secure in your life. Ask yourself: what do you need in order to feel good?
Read more...Star 8/10
You need to look after your soul and spirit as well as your body. With a focus on your spiritual zone, you get to do just that. If youre living from the heart and your life is a good example of your ability to be true to yourself, your health will be excellent. You cant have one without the other.
Read more...Star 10/10
You may be aware of the need for more rest and relaxation, but in practice find it hard to follow through on it. This months outlook also suggests you may have some big plans to make sweeping changes in the weeks ahead. These might include radical decisions about diet and exercise and taking key supplements to enable you to function optimally. Dont be too hard on yourself, though. Introduce new measures slowly so you can integrate them into your present routine little by little. Youll be much likelier to succeed. Easy does it now.
Read more...Star 8/10
If you are expecting a run-of-the-mill day as far as love and romance are concerned, then you are in for a surprise. One or two unexpected events take your breath away, and actually encourage you to get off that couch. Whether you are in a long-term relationship or going out on that first date, you have a treat in store.
Read more...Star 7/10
Given the planetary lineup, you will need to watch you are not trying to hang on to the past as far as a certain relationship is concerned. If someone close to you has hinted that they think it is time you went your separate ways, and you know deep in your heart this is the right thing to do, dont resist for old times sake.
Read more...Star 7/10
Whats the general speculation about your relationship status? The first part of the week is a good time to do damage control, especially if there are false posts about you or your love life on social media. You want to rush things with a new love prospect over the weekend, but going too quickly could ruin things. Be patient. Be cooperative. Show what you have to offer long term.
Read more...Star 10/10
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on February 4 means reflecting on the past and thinking about what you could have done differently. Regret is unnecessary and detrimental. There isnt anything you can do about it now, so forgive yourself and move on. The Gemini Moon on February 9 and February 10 diversifies your interests and makes you search for intellectually stimulating partners. The mood is light and casual, with the emphasis on humor and having a good time. Mercury joins Pluto on February 26, bringing some long-buried issues to the surface. Reveal whats on your mind to the person you feel closest to.
Read more...Star 7/10
A situation has come to a dramatic climax and great tension exists. Dont deny your involvement in the difficult situation that has been created. Acknowledge your part of the greater whole and work to create better harmony with everyone involved.
Read more...Star 8/10
The opportunity you have been waiting for will come your way today, so be on the lookout for it. Keep in mind that this good fortune may not come with any major bells and whistles. It will be subtle - so keep your eyes and ears open at all times.
Read more...Star 10/10
This will be a very positive time for you once you accept that not everyone thinks the same way you do. This is a lucky time to ask about upgrading your position or to look for money for additional training. An office flirtation could turn into something more. Make sure this is wise. This period will see you shine in any team effort. Be sensible about how much you can actually accomplish. Ask for help if you need it.
Read more...Star 10/10
Someone could try to take credit for your work around February 12. Be willing to protect your reputation. Save all your e-mails and let your supervisor know what youre doing. If your boss is the one who is claiming your contributions, think about moving on to greener pastures. Forming a professional partnership is strongly advised toward the end of February. You will greatly benefit from working with a highly analytical person. Their reliance on facts and figures will keep you from having unrealistic expectations. In exchange, youll lend a sorely needed human touch to the work.
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